Fox passed SAR exam PSP-0
After just 9 months of training, Fox passed SAR exam (PSP 0) in a great style. With broken gps,…
29 May 2021After just 9 months of training, Fox passed SAR exam (PSP 0) in a great style. With broken gps,…
29 May 2021Puppies from the Fox & Quee litter are 6 weeks old nd I just had to visit them and…
29 September 2020We had an exciting night 🙂 Puppies sired by Fox (Brad Pitt) and Nona (By My Baby Border Song)…
20 May 2020In the beginning of May we traveled to Sasino (at the Polish sea). It’s one of my favorite places…
5 May 2020Sezon agility w 2020 zaczÄ™liĹ›my 11 stycznia zawodami w Gdyni organizowanymi przez klub Hot Agility Dogs. Tym razem byĹ‚a…
21 February 2020Puppies from the Fox&Sally litter are 4 weeks old. Pictures below. ? Boy 1 Girl 1 Boy 2 Girl…
17 September 2019W weekend mieliĹ›my okazjÄ™ zmierzyć siÄ™ z torami Pavola Roháčka na zawodach agility w Bydgoszczy. Atmosfera fantastyczna, na pewno…
25 June 2019